*** *** BattleMod v0.50a7 Server Commands *** *** DATE : 14-August-2005 *** MOD URL : http://www.xbattle.de *** CONTACT EMAIL : champi@xbattle.de This readme explains the enhanced server-side support and options under BattleMod. It's not a complete overview of the baseq3 commands! *** *** Gameplay Control CVAR's *** g_blueteam - teamname for the blue team default 'Pagans' g_delagHitscan <0|1> - enable/disable the delag netcode default 0 g_delagPing - If it set to a value higher as 0 this it will be added to your instant-hit weapon ping. normaly this is set to 0 to disable this feature and play with full lag-compensation. default 0 0 - disabled n - value in ms that should be added to the client ping before doing the hitscan. NOTE : n must be an integer between 1 and 50 or these command is ignored! g_flagReturnFlags - Controls what happens with a dropped flag in special events default 1 Value Flag Function ================================================================= 1 FRF_MOVERRETURNSFLAG a dropped flag between a mover (door, platform or anything else) that can squish a flag will reset the flag to base. ( default : ON ) 2 FRF_SELFKILLRETURNSFLAG should the \kill cmd reset the flag? here you can control it ( default : OFF ) g_instagib <0|1|2|3> - enable/disable the instagib modus where all weapon/items are removed from the map 0 - disabled 1 - standard Instagib gameplay. 2 - InstaUnlagged 1.1 ( same as above but enables automaticly railjumping and fastrail ) 2 - InstaUnlagged 1.2 ( same as above but enables automaticly railjumping and fastrail + fast weapon reload! ) default 0 g_lightningDamage - set the damage of the Lightning Gun default 8 g_maxDelagPing - controls the delag netcode. n specify the max. delagping in ms the delagcode tries to compensate. this can help to reduce the sideeffects of delag, like get railed around the corner etc if the ping difference of the target and the attacker is too high. default 0 - max. compensation This command is only active when g_delagHitscan is '1' ! example : g_maxDelagPing 150 - if a player has a ping of 200 then the delag netcode only compensate 150 ms of the ping before doing the hitscan. g_multiview <0|1> - controls the usage of the multiview feature for coaches in teamgames or GTV 0 - multiview-mode is disabled 1 - multiview-mode is allowed ( this will increase the amount of traffic ) default 0 g_redteam - teamname for the red team default 'Stroggs' instagib_reload - sets the reload time for the railgun in milliseconds. This value is *ONLY* used if server_fastrail is set to '2'. the value must be greater or equal 300 ! default 1500 insta_railjumping <0|1|2|3> - enable/disable the railjumping, known from the InstaUnlagged mod. The server must be set to g_instagib 2 to allow this command. 1 - disable railjumping 2 - enable IU 1.1 railjumping 3 - enable IU 1.2 railjumping with fast weapon reload as long as you receive knockback default 0 insta_railKbRange - controls the max. distance where knockback is active for railjumping. default 120 (units) insta_sameteamknockback - controls the knockback a teammate will receive if you hit him with the railgun. The server must be set to g_instagib 2 to allow this command. default 0 insta_selfknockback - the knockback value for the railjump. default 100 item_disable - disables items from the map default 0 Items disable 1 armor shard 2 armor (yellow armor) 4 heavy armor (red armor) 8 5er Health 16 25er Health 32 50er Health 64 MH 128 Ammo Bullets 256 Ammo Shells 512 Ammo Grenades 1024 Ammo Rockets 2048 Ammo Lightning 4096 Ammo Slugs 8192 Ammo Cells 16384 Ammo BFG10K examples : set item_disable 1 // removes armor shards from the map set item_disable 12 // removes red armor and 5er Health item from the map set item_disable 32767 // removes all items from the map mg_damage - sets the machine gun damage for all gametype, but not for team deathmatch! default 7 mg_damageTeamplay - sets the machine gun damage for team deathmatch only! default 5 powerup_disable - disable items from spawning default 0 Powerups/Items Value Table Value QUAD 1 BATTLESUIT 2 HASTE 4 INVIS 8 REGEN 16 FLIGHT 32 TELEPORTER 64 MEDIKIT 128 examples : powerup_disable 4095 // disable all powerup_disable 0 // disable nothing powerup_disable 64 // disable personal teleporter powerup_disable 144 // disable regeneration + medikit roundlimit - is the number of rounds for a clan-arena match. default 7 server_battleauth <0|1> - check if the client has a valid cgame.qvm! ( use it! ) default 1 server_customclient - controls the clientside settings default : 15 ( truelightning + alternate gfx + Battle HUD ) Value Flag Function ================================================================= 1 1 enable cl_125hz support ( unused since 1.27g ) 2 2 enable cg_truelightning 4 3 enable alternate graphics 8 4 enable Battle HUD 16 5 disables the drawing of the match clock 32 6 disables to clamp on com_maxfps for clients ( frames are capped @ max. 125fps ) 64 7 enable ct_Death and ct_Respawn triggers in teamgames 128 8 enable new gameshader ( like ctfflags ) 256 9 disallow rj-scripts 512 10 disallow the glow around a powerup when a player is carrying it. server_fastrail <0|1|2> - enables/disable the usage of the faster reload time for the railgun. 0 - default id reload time ( 1500ms ) 1 - fastrail ( 1000ms ) 2 - InstaUnlagged fastrail ( optional setable with the instagib_reload cvar ! ) default 0 server_freezetag <0|1> - enables freezetag gameplay by Darrell "Doolittle" Bircsak. for a complete introduction of how it works and what it is please take a look in the documentation file 'battle-freezetag-readme.txt' in the docs folder. *** NOTE : this cvar is set up as serverinfo, so you gamebrowsers can search for freezetag servers *** 0 - freezetag is disabled 1 - freezetag is enabled default 0 server_maxpackets_min - cl_maxpackets min. for the clients default 0 ( no limit, except the minimum limit of 30 ) server_maxpackets_max - cl_maxpackets max. for the clients default 0 ( no limit, except the maximum limit of 125 ) server_motdX - (X = 1 through 8) Sets the server MOTD (message of the day). Each var is used to display a line in the MOTD. The message is terminated when the first NULL ("") line is encountered or after the 8th line was drawn. server_promode <0|1> - enables/disables the usage of the CPM gamestyles. ( default 0 = vanilla quake3 1 = Challenge Promode 1.01 gamestyle 2 = same as 1, but enhanced CPM settings ( complete list of change will follow soon ) *** CURRENT CHANGES : *** - backpack removed - BFG firerate changed default 0 server_rate_max - defines the maximum rate clients can vote via the maxrate vote option. default 25000 *** ONLY NEEDED IF vote_allow_rate "1" *** server_rate_min - defines the minimum rate clients can vote via the maxrate vote option. default 3000 *** ONLY NEEDED IF vote_allow_rate "1" *** server_realping <0|1> - show real pings from chasing spectators default 0 server_record - Forces clients to take demos and screenshots of a match. default : 0 Value Function ================================================================= 1 record demos 2 take an endlevel screenshot of the game 4 includes server hostname in the filename 8 includes clienttime in the filename server_showips <0|1> - allow the usage of the \playerip command default 0 server_timenudge_min - cl_timeNudge min. for the clients *** NOTE : if g_delagHitscan is enabled the minimum timenudge value is -50. *** default 0 server_timenudge_max - cl_timeNudge max. for the clients *** NOTE : if g_delagHitscan is enabled the maximum timenudge value is 50. *** default 0 server_thrufloors <0|1> - enable/disable splashdamage thru floors default 0 start_armor - clients respawns with armor. default 0 start_health - clients respawns with health. default 125 start_bullets - clients respawns with bullets ( Machine Gun Ammo ) default 100 ( in TDM is set to 50 ) start_shells - clients respawns with shells ( ShotGun Ammo ) default 0 start_rockets - clients respawns with rockets ( Rocket Launcher Ammo ) default 0 start_grenades - clients respawns with grenades ( Grenade Launcher Ammo ) default 0 start_lightning - clients respawns with lightning ( Lightning Gun Ammo ) default 0 start_slugs - clients respawns with slugs ( Rail Gun Ammo ) default 0 start_cells - clients respawns with cells ( Plasma Gun Ammo ) default 0 start_bfg - clients respawns with bfg ( BFG10K Ammo ) default 0 warmupmode <0|1|2> - sets the respawn health and armor value *WARMUP ONLY* ! 0= [125H 0A] (default), 1= [125H 100A], 2= [100H 0A] default 0 weapon_disable - is the bitmask of weapon(s) that should removed from the map default 0 weapon_mask: ------------ 1 - Gauntlet 2 - Machinegun 4 - Shotgun 8 - GrenadeLauncher 16 - RocketLauncher 32 - LightningGun 64 - Railgun 128 - PlasmaGun 256 - BFG weapon_hook <0|1> - does the client respawn with the hook? default 0 weapon_start - this bitmask represents the in in-hand weapon when entering the game or after a respawning from a death. default 0 ( highest weapon will be selected ) Note: the HIGHEST ordered weapon value will be chosen if an exact weapon number is not selected! examples : set weapon_start 64 // client respawns with selected Railgun weapon_have - this bitmask represents the weapons the client has after a respawn. default 3 ( Gauntlet + Machine Gun ) examples : set weapon_have 64 // client respawns with a Railgun set weapon_have 12 // client respawns with a Shotgun + GrenadeL. weapon_deaddrop <0|1> - does a dead client drops his weapon? default 1 *** *** Team Control CVAR's *** team_allcaptain <0|1> - everyone in the team has teamcaptain privelegs default 0 team_maxplayers - defines the maximum numbers of players in a team default 0 ( disabled ) team_nocontrols <0|1> - controls the usage of the teamcaptains commands like timeout, speclock etc. default 0 ( commands enabled ) *** *** Match Control CVAR's *** match_dropitems <0|1> - if set to "1" it allows to drop weapon and ammo in team-dm gametype. it also allows to drop flags in ctf gametype. default 0 ( item dropping disabled ) match_hurtself <0|1> - controls if a client is able to hurt himself. default 1 ( enabled ) match_timeoutcount - how many timeouts are allowed per match? default 0 ( disabled ) match_timeoutlength - specifies the length (in seconds) of each timeout default 60. match_lateJoin <0|1> - can clients join a running game? default 0 match_minplayers - minimum numbers of players to start a game. this command can only work if the server runs in full warmup mode ( g_dowarmup 1 + g_warmup 0 ) default 0 match_mutespecs <0|1> - mute specators if match is in progress? ( they still can talk to other spectators ) default 0 match_pregame - is the value in percent of players that much be ready to switch from warmup-mode to pregame ( all weapons removed ). default 50 match_returnflag - enables/disables the usage of the autoreturn of your own droppen ctf flag by touching it. If this cvar is set to 1 clients can pickup their dropped flag and bring it back to their flagpoint to return it. 0 - default id flag returnmode ( just touch your flag and its back at base ) 1 - InstaUnlagged flag returnmode a player can pick up his own dropped flag and bring it back to his home base. When his team has less than 2 player, he can return the flag by touching it ( like mode 0 ). 2 - InstaUnlagged enhanced flag returnmode same as 1 but the player can only auto-return it, when its team has less than 2 player and he didn't carry a flag. 4 - Set this flag to reduce the base speed of the all flag carriers to 87.5% of the g_speed setting. Which means its reduced from 320 to 280 by a default g_speed setting of 320. default 0 match_roundtimer - is the value in seconds betweens 2 rounds in Clan-Arena gametype. note : minimum setting is 2 and highest 30 seconds default 10 match_removeDeadplayer <0|1> - remove a deadplayer from the team and set him to spectator mode? (Clan-Arena gametype only) default 0 match_overtime <0|1|2|3> - this defines the overtime mode when teams are tied and time- or roundlimit is reached. 0 - Sudden Death ( id default overtime handling ) 1 - Sudden Death-Timed overtime: If the match is still tied after x overtime rounds, the match will move to sudden death with first score to win. (Team DM default -- unlimited 5-minute periods) 2 - No Overtime ( matches can end in a tie ) 3 - Tie-Timed overtime: If match is still tied after x overtime rounds, the match ends in a tie (like hockey). default 0 match_overtimecount - defines how many overtime rounds are played until the match can end in a tie or switch to sudden death when match_overtime is set to 1 or 3. default 0 ( unlimited number of overtime rounds ) match_overtimelength - defines how long a single overtime round is in minutes when match_overtime is set to 1 or 3 default 5 match_waitqueue <0|1> - enables the usage of the waitingqueue. if the teams are even and a player wants to join then he will be placed into the waitingqueue and can only join the game if a second player enters the waitingqueue. then both players will be placed into their teams and the queue will be cleared. *** *** Vote System Control CVAR's *** g_allowVote <0|1> - should always be 1! else the client can't vote anything!!! vote_allow_altgfx <0|1> - allow/disallow the alternate gfx for plasmagun,grenade launcher + lightning gun vote_allow_battlehud <0|1> - allow/disallow the battlehud vote_allow_capfps <0|1> - change the client fps capping vote_allow_capturelimit - vote the capturelimit vote_allow_drop <0|1> - vote the weapon dropmode on/off vote_allow_fastrail <0|1|2> - vote for fastrail vote_allow_flood <0|1> - vote the flood protection on/off vote_allow_fraglimit - vote the fraglimit vote_allow_freezetag <0|1> - turn on freezetag gameplay vote_allow_hook <0|1> - turn on/off the grapple vote_allow_items <0|1> - vote powerups/items on/off vote_allow_instagib <0|1> - vote instagib/InstaUnlagged mode on/off vote_allow_kick <0|1> - vote to kick an user from the server vote_allow_leaguesetts <0|1> - force leaguesettings ( espl, kuh3liga ) via vote vote_allow_lgdamage <0|1> - vote the lightning gun damage vote_allow_maxpackets <0|1> - vote a new maxpackets_min or max limit vote_allow_machinegun <0|1> - vote the mg_damage vote_allow_mutespecs <0|1> - mute/unmute spectators vote_allow_notimer <0|1> - vote the blackout of the client timer vote_allow_overtime <0|1> - vote for overtime modes vote_allow_pmove <0|1> - change pmove_fixed vote_allow_promode <0|1> - change to Promode gameplay vote_allow_rate <0|1| - change sv_maxRate via vote vote_allow_referee <0|1> - vote a client to a ref vote_allow_returnflag <0|1> - vote autoReturn flag ON/OFF vote_allow_rjscripts <0|1> - enable/disable rj-scripts vote_allow_roundlimit <0|1> - vote the roundlimit in CA mode vote_allow_showips <0|1> - vote for server_showips command on/off vote_allow_teamdamage <0|1> - change the g_friendlyfire cvar vote_allow_thrufloors <0|1> - change splashdamage thru floors setting vote_allow_timelimit - change the timelimit vote_allow_timenudge <0|1> - vote a new timenudge_min or max limit vote_allow_triggers <0|1> - allow/disallow triggers ( death, respawn ) vote_allow_unlag <0|1> - enable/disable the delag mode via vote vote_percent - number if percent to pass a vote. default 51 *** *** Server Gametypes *** server_availmodes - allowed gametypes default 59 ( all standard gametypes ) Value Table - configname *do not change* ==================================================== 1 ffa - ffa.cfg 2 duel - duel.cfg 4 *reserved* 8 team - team.cfg 16 ctf - ctf.cfg 32 clan-arena - clanarena.cfg After a mode vote the server sets the default settings for the new mode and looks if a user created mode-cfg file exists. If yes if will be executed. cCrrently the folder and filename for the user created cfg files are hardcoded to /battle/cfg/custom/ffa.cfg - for the ffa settings /battle/cfg/custom/duel.cfg - for the duel settings /battle/cfg/custom/team.cfg - for the team settings /battle/cfg/custom/ctf.cfg - for the ctf settings Soon there will be a cvar for optional dirs and filenames! You can modify these these to your own wishes, but NEVER include a 'map ...' at the end of the config