First step, download OA!

Extract the files to the directory of your choice.

Open the folder and right-click openarena.exe. Send a shortcut to the desktop.

Right click your new shortcut and add +connect to the target box.

This connects you to the server and keep your files in the original folder, instead of sending them to: Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\OpenArena

Now, open your baseoa folder.

Create a text document named: autoexec.cfg

Put all your custom commands and settings in this config file, and it will exec when the game starts. Very handy, and keeps you from losing importan settings.

Here's my config for an example:

You can make different configs for different things, simply type /exec configname.cfg into the console to execute them from the game.

Duckpond customs specific stuff........

Make sure you have cl_allowdownload 1 set if you want to play here, you'll need it for downloading the mod (X-Battle) and custom maps.

This mod is a bit like CPMA for quake. It adds a lot of really cool stuff, and extra commands. <--- Options explained.
You can customize your HUD
Set enemymodels
instantly enable instagib
play freezetag
set many very nice server cvars ... -cvars.txt
The only drawback is that the map rotation is very easily broken. If a map is voted or rconned, it will stay on that map.
My battle config (cvars specific to the mod) 

Drop the console in-game, and type:

/help <------for some good info on battle mod.

/maplist <-------to see the maps on the server (for voting)

/callvote <---------leave the variable off, and you will get a list of voting options

I have a custom model that is very easy to see, it's Tankjr from quake 3, painted GREEN. :D

cg_enemymodel hulk  <---- this will let you use whatever model you want for yourself, and make all your enemies appear as Tankjr. (hulk)

Any questions, email me, duck@quakefourDOTnet