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    CPMA Facts

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    Joined: Oct 18, 2005
    Posts: 232

    PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 7:15 pm    Post subject: CPMA Facts Reply with quote

    Models and skins:
    To start, you'll want to choose a model for yourself. As in vQ3, the setting
    is "set model [model]/[skin]". CPMA has a set of special skins for better
    visibility: to use these, choose your skins as "pm" (eg "set model doom/pm").
    If you have chosen to use ProMode skins, you should now choose your colors.
    The setting is "color", and has 4 numbers: [rail core] [head] [shirt] [legs].
    So you could set your rail core to be green (2), head and shirt to be yellow (3)
    and legs to be red (1) with this: "set color 2331".
    Note that you can customise your own model setup in the game using the GUI.
    Press Escape and choose Player Setup. There you can customise your personal
    colors, and see it as they change.

    If you are playing team modes and want all your team mates to be the same color
    as you, use the setting cg_forcecolors 1. cg_forcemodel 1 will force your team
    to use the same model as you.

    Now that your own model and team are decided, you can set up how you want the
    opposing team to appear. The command is cg_EnemyModel model/skin. To make
    the most out of this you should use ProMode skins - fullbright custom colour
    enemies rule! Again, select pm as the skin. You can customise the colour with
    cg_EnemyColors ####

    cg_enemymodel keel/pm
    cg_enemycolors iiii

    Bright Green Keel sir? Suits you, sir!

    The HUD (Heads Up Display):
    This has a document all to itself these days: docs/HUD.txt

    Weapon Stuff:
    There are a few neeto little tweaks to the weapons. Most of these will again be
    familiar to those with OSP experience.

    cg_truelightning [Value 0 - 1]
    Most people find that 0.5 allows them better LG aim on the net. The same code
    has now been used by id in Quake3.

    cg_smokeradius_rl and cg_smokegrowth_rl
    Customise the size of your rocket trails, or simply turn them off. Setting both
    to 0 will completely remove the trail. You can do the same for the grenade trail
    ( _gl rather than _rl).

    Misc. Stuff:
    Joining the game. After connecting to a server, the next step depends on the
    game type. For most gametypes, you will initially spawn as a spectator.
    To join the game, either press Escape and select a team or join game.
    For multi arenas (maps with several seperate playing areas) hit escape and
    select Choose Arena. The list of arenas are marked DA for Duel Arena (1v1) or
    CA for Clan Arena. If an arena has CPM in red after the name, this signifies
    that it is using ProMode settings. Once you are in the arena you want to be,
    hit escape again to select a team, or type /team r or /team b to join up.

    CPMA uses specially tweaked prediction code, to offer the best gameplay online.
    There are two settings which were tweaks to vanilla Q3 which can interfere with
    this. In your config, you may find it best to set cg_smoothclients 0 and
    cl_timenudge 0

    The easiest way to give Quake3 a bunch of config settings is to write a config
    file. This is a simple text file which you can execute within the game to pass
    quake3 all the settings it contains. To create a new config file, create a new
    blank text file and enter a list of settings. Save this file in either the
    baseq3 or cpma directory. This file should end ".cfg". For instance, I would
    create a file called swelt.cfg. To apply the settings in the config, type
    "/exec config" (eg exec swelt) at the console. No need to type the ".cfg" at
    the end. (Note thats swelt.cfg not swelt.cfg.txt - god bless MS)

    For more advice on configs check one of these websites:

    The cpma/cfg directory includes a simplified version of arQon's config,
    which is a good reference for some of the more technical settings: if you don't
    understand what a certain cvar does or you aren't familiar with some of the
    enhanced and new CPMA ones and don't want to look it up, odds are whatever is
    in there is the best setting for it. Smile
    If you're new to CPMA, you should probably use "exec cfg/arqon" FIRST to set up
    some good defaults, then modify those rather than start from scratch.

    // 12 Aug 06
    // this is a (very) cut-down version of my config
    // to give newbies a headstart on setting things up nicely
    // it doesn't change "core" graphics (mode, picmip, texturemode etc)
    // or any binds, but it sets pretty much everything else

    seta cg_bobroll 0
    seta cg_bobpitch 0
    seta cg_bobup 0
    seta cg_runroll 0
    seta cg_runpitch 0

    seta cg_drawCrosshair 7
    seta cg_crosshairSize 24
    seta cg_crosshairHealth 0

    seta cg_autoswitch 0
    seta cg_predict 1
    seta cg_predictItems 0

    seta com_blood 1
    seta cg_gibs 0
    seta cg_brassTime 0
    seta cg_marks 0
    seta cg_shadows 1
    seta cg_scorePlums 0
    seta cg_showPlayerLean 0
    seta cg_noProjectileTrail 1

    seta r_roundImagesDown 0
    seta r_lodscale 4
    seta r_detailtextures 0
    seta r_dynamiclight 1

    seta r_fastsky 0
    seta r_subdivisions 12
    seta r_lodbias 0

    seta r_ignorehwgamma 1
    seta r_gamma 1.3
    seta r_intensity 1.3
    seta r_mapOverbrightBits 2

    // railgun - trail is timed to match the CPM reload time
    seta cg_railTrailTime 1200
    seta r_railCoreWidth 2
    seta r_railWidth 8
    seta r_railSegmentLength 32

    // sound
    seta s_khz 22
    seta s_musicvolume 0
    seta s_mixAhead 0.14
    seta s_mixPreStep 0.05
    seta s_separation 0.4
    seta s_doppler 0
    seta s_rolloff 0.25
    seta s_ambient 0 // promode-only: don't play ET_SPEAKER shiz
    seta s_occfactor 0 // promode-only: how much sound is obscured by walls

    seta scr_conspeed 999

    // promode gameplay
    seta cg_altLightning 3
    seta cg_ammoWarning 1
    seta cg_damageDraw 0
    seta cg_damageKick 0
    seta cg_deadBodyDarken 1
    seta cg_fallKick 0
    seta cg_lightningImpact 0
    seta cg_railStyle 5
    seta cg_noMip 1023
    seta cg_smoke_SG 0
    seta cg_smokeRadius_RL 12
    seta cg_smokeGrowth_RL 1
    seta cg_smokeRadius_GL 8
    seta cg_smokeGrowth_GL 1
    seta cg_trueLightning 0.5
    seta cg_muzzleFlash 0
    seta cg_drawGun 2
    seta cg_gunOffset 0,-3,-8

    // hud
    seta ch_file arqon
    seta cg_statScrollTime 0.25
    seta ch_crosshairAlpha 0.75
    seta ch_crosshairColor 7
    seta ch_crosshairPulse 0
    seta ch_crosshairTeamInfo 1
    seta ch_drawWeaponSelect 0

    // promode model/skin/color stuff
    seta cg_forceModel 1
    seta cg_forceColors 1
    seta color nnyn
    seta color2 y
    seta cg_enemyColors iiii
    seta cg_enemyModel "sarge/pm"

    // CPMA console
    seta con_notifytime -1
    seta cf_Console 8x16
    seta ch_consoleLines 4
    seta ch_consoleTime 3000
    seta ch_consoleTeamChat 1

    seta com_maxfps 125

    seta cg_errordecay 50

    seta cg_xerpClients 1
    seta cl_maxpackets 125
    seta cl_packetdup 1
    seta cl_timenudge 0
    seta cg_nudge 0
    seta cg_lagHax -1

    seta com_hunkMegs 64
    seta com_soundMegs 16
    seta com_zoneMegs 32

    seta cl_allowDownload 1

    seta mvw_TDM1 "480 65 160 120"
    seta mvw_TDM2 "480 190 160 120"
    seta mvw_TDM3 "480 315 160 120"
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